CLIENT: Logan City Council
VALUE: $5 million – $10 million
DURATION: Nov 2015 – Jul 2016

Shamrock Civil Engineering were contracted by Logan City Council to perform a master drainage upgrade, primarily along Forestglen Crescent, Browns Plains. The scope of works was split into three packages, with the main drainage line being self-performed. The scope of works relating to each package is outlined below.
Package 1 – Forestglen Crescent
- Set up road closures to prevent public access into large excavations
- Sawcut existing concrete asphalt as necessary
- Install new stormwater pipes ranging from 375mm to 2100mm diameter
- Install standard manhole and gully units
- Install special stormwater pit structures
- Install new pavement gravels, seal and asphalt
- Reinstate resident driveways
- Reinstate kerb and channel
Package 2 – Box St, Woodland Cr, Sherwood Dve, Scenic Ave
- Set up road closures and traffic management to reduce and control traffic flow through work zones
- Sawcut existing concrete asphalt as necessary
- Install new stormwater pipes ranging from 375mm to 1200mm diameter
- Install standard manhole and gully units
- Install cast in-situ elongated manholes
- Install new pavement gravels, seal and asphalt
- Reinstate resident driveways
- Reinstate kerb and channel
Package 3 – Glendale Cr, Harmony Crt, Timbertop Ave
- Set up road closures and traffic management to reduce and control traffic flow through work zones
- Sawcut existing concrete asphalt as necessary
- Install new stormwater pipes ranging from 375mm to 1200mm diameter
- Install standard manhole and gully units
- Install cast in-situ elongated manholes
- Install new pavement gravels, seal and asphalt
- Reinstate resident driveways
- Reinstate kerb and channel