CLIENT: Australia Transport Sector Support Program (TSSP)
VALUE: $15 million – $20 million
DURATION: Feb 2015 – Nov 2016

Shamrock Civil was engaged by the Papua New Guinea-Australia Transport Sector Support Program (TSSP) to provide transport infrastructure repair works in Manus Province, PNG.
Construction works were located in a remote areas, with road construction / road reconstruction crews consisting of Shamrock Supervisors and local indigenous employees for labour and operators. The project was broken up into 4 sections:
Project 1 – Market Place Roads and Drainage Improvements
- Installation of approx 1km of drainage to the Lorengau market area; pipes ranging from 300mm dia to 1200mm dia in size.
- 4km of kerb and channel to the market area extending up Lorengau – Momote Road.
- Pavement rehabilitation to existing road and application of a two coat bitumen seal.
- Installation of road furniture, footpaths and kerb ramps.
Project 2 – Lorengau – Momote Road and Drainage Improvements
- Road construction and rehabilitation to approx 26km of two-way road including treatment of existing roads and addition of coronous roadbase material.
- A single / double bituminous seal was applied to the full 26km of road depending on the condition of the existing road in that area.
- Drainage and edgeworks to most sections of Lorengau – Momote Road to ensure the life span of the new road.
- Construction of a rock seawall to alleviate sea inundation along a 1km section of Lorengau – Momote Road.
Project 3 – Loniu Bridge Remedial Works
- Repairs works to the Loniu Bridge including the removal and replacement of structural members and bolts.
- Blasting to areas of the bridge and repainting of 800m2 of the structural steel bridge.
- Replacement of bridge guardrail.
- Replacement of pedstrian walkway bracing.
Project 4 – Nuwok Bridge Rremedial Works
- Repairs works to the Nuwok Bridge including the removal and replacement of bolts.
- Containment, blasting, removal and disposal of the existing lead paint and repainting with a new non lead based protective coating system.
- Installation of a new handrail and guardrail to the bridge
- Bank protection, gabion basket installation and concrete repairs to the abutment footing.
- Community engagement through the construction of bus shelters along the road to the airport using local carpenters.
- Road safety and HIV awareness was conducted by Shamrock Civil engineering through presentations to local schools (Naringal Secondary School, Nuwok Primary School).
- Additional HIV awareness was carried out on the neighboring islands on Manus Island. Distrubution of condoms and training was carried out in the local communiteis and schools.
- Gender equity was adhered to on the project with a minimum of 10% of the workforce being females.
- Advertisements were placed on the radio by SCE, over the duration of the project on road safety awareness.