Shamrock Civil Claims the Top Spot on ADM’s Top 20 List

Continuing the Momentum from last year, Shamrock Civil is proud to announce that it has claimed #1 on the top 20 ANZ SME’s, #1 on the Top 20 SMEs, as well as making a big leap on the Top 40, from #38 to #24 in the 2023 ADM Defence Contractors Survey.
The annual survey seeks to recognise the best performing small and medium Defence supply companies in Australia.
Rating number one in the Top 20 SME’s lists follows a significant year for Shamrock after delivering a number of major civil works packages across the East Coast of Australia, South Australia and in the Northern Territory.
Brendan Kealy, Managing Director of Shamrock Civil said that ADM’s recognition is a testament to Shamrock’s growth in capability and its dedication and commitment from the company’s project teams to understand Australian Defence needs and requirements in the civil works spectrum surrounding infrastructure and facilities and delivering these projects as best value for money.
“After 16 years working with Defence and its key project delivery suppliers, it’s a great result for Shamrock. To deliver these remote projects we continuously have to think outside the square. We have expanded our supply chain and facilitated new industry partnerships. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have been a part of Shamrock Civil’s growth, with the business celebrating 30 years in operation this year. We would also like to thank ADM for recognising Shamrock Civil as a significant stakeholder in Australia’s Defence industry supply chain.”