CLIENT: Transpacific Cleanaway
VALUE: $10 million – $15 million
DURATION: Jun 2015 – Dec 2016

Shamrock Civil were contracted by Cleanaway to construct Cell 4B at Victory Road Landfill. This project was on a brownfield site, with the base of the cell several metres below the water table, with ground conditions that required careful management and planning. The staging was also complex, with Cell 4B being split into 3 separate portions, which were constructed at different times. This staging was to facilitate transferring existing solid-inert waste from one cell embankment, to the newly constructed sections. Each cell comprised of a groundwater depressurisation system, a 1m thick compacted clay liner and a dedicated leachate collection system.

Scope of Works

  • Subgrade reshaping;
  • Construction of a ground water collection system, 1m thick compacted clay liner and a leachate collection system with separation geotextiles;
  • Temporary dewatering;
  • Haul roads and ramps; and
  • Slimes drying pan management and ground improvement measures.


Shamrock opted for tractor-towed tandem scraper buckets to haul and place the 200,000m3 of material, a methodology which has been used effectively on previous projects. This highly efficient, self-loading method al

Due to the instability of the ground conditions Shamrock were required to construct a bridging layer, to create a suitable subgrade. The bridging layer constituted multiple layers of woven and non-woven geofabrics and varying sizes of rock placed in layers, to bridge the slimes material in the bottom of the cell.

These works were carried out on a live landfill site, with several interfaces with the client’s own operations. Due to outstanding performance, Shamrock Civil were awarded the construction of an additional access road into the site.

A total of 93 538 hours were worked with no LTI’s. A notable achievement, given the complex nature of the site and interaction with other contractors and the public.

ows cartage of up to 45m3 per unit and ensures even layer placement across the cap. Multiple settlement plates confirm minimum thicknesses are achieved on top of the ever settling landfill.

A single laser bucket manages the work areas and is involved in all aspects of the job. This multipurpose tool maintains haul roads, carts material to congested areas and de-compacts & conditions the NDCR as required. A positrak with spreader bar ensures even placement around the gas risers and batters.

The lysimeter construction consists of lined, bunded pads with an outlet gauge measuring the effectiveness of the evapotrans cap. Lining Victoria were engaged to carry out the lining and welding works.

A large focus has been placed on achieving a successful vegetative growth layer. SCE’s close relationship with environmental remediation experts Virotec, will ensure their expertise and scientific analysis achieves an unrivalled strike rate