Australian Institute of
Marine Science Land Clearing & Tank Demolition
Cape Cleveland, NQ
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Duration of Project
August 2018 – September 2018
Contract Value
Shamrock Civil Engineering was engaged by Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) to carry out land clearing for the establishment of a renewable energy site and existing soft water storage tank demolition works at the Cape Cleveland site (50km south of Townsville). The works also included pad construction to allow for solar panels to be installed for an off grid solar photo-voltaic (PV) system. Due to outstanding performance, AIMS awarded Shamrock Civil Engineering further variation works while established on site to complete works made available due to the savings gained by the alternative pavement proposal for the solar panel pad provided by SCE.
Scope of Work
Land clearing 10,000m2
Topsoil stripping 500m3
Placement of 1500m3 Type 2.3 pavement 150mm thick for solar panel frames
Demolition of two disused concrete water tanks with a total of 205m3 of concrete
Variation works including drainage dayworks and construction of a new 312m2 concrete slab for the establishment of the new salt water storage tanks