Condabri WWT
Miles QLD
Enerstream JV
Duration of Project
January 2012 – August 2012
Contract Value
$30.2 Million
Shamrock Civil were contracted by Enerstream JV to perform the early works at the APLNG Condabri Central project.
Scope of Work
Sediment and erosion control
Construction water ponds
Water Treatment Facility pad
Gas Processing Facility pad
Substation and temporary access roads
Initial site works involved the construction of 3km of sediment diversion channels with 8 sediment ponds, these works were required to be completed in a tight time frame, to allow the contract works to commence
Earthworks for the facilities involved:
Strip topsoil 37,000m3
Bulk earthworks 325,000m3
Quick lime treatment of fill material 175,900m3
40,700T of select fill
100,000m2 of topsoil & seeding and 35,000m2 Hydromulching
All of the fill material to the Water Treatment Facility was required to be quick lime treated; this required the use of lime stabilisers and slaking equipment. To ensure continuity of quicklime supply, Shamrock established quicklime storage facilities onsite. The works were challenging in nature, due to the scale of the quick lime stabilisation and the specification requirements. In addition to the bulk works, Shamrock also constructed 3.2km of access road sand construction water ponds which required:
30,000T of gravel and select fill
650m of reinforced concrete box culverts to Main Roads Standards
10,400m2 of HDPE liner
2 spillways