Carroll Road
Landfill Rehabilitation
Clarinda, Melbourne VIC
Duration of Project
January 2020 – August 2021
Contract Value
$6.95 Million
Shamrock was awarded the contract for the rehabilitation of the Carroll Road Landfill (105,000m2). Works included bulk earthworks (cut/fill), supply and placement of clay foundation layer, supply and placement of geosynthetic lining system, supply and placement of subsoils, topsoil and vegetation. Ancillary works included construction of a geosynthetic lined attenuation pond with associated stormwater infrastructure and connections.
Scope of Work
Bulk earthworks (cut/fill waste) – 118 250m3
Geo-synthetic lining – GCL, HDPE, cushion, reinforcing – 162600m2
Subsoils – 53 100m3
Topsoil – 14 500m3
Revegetation – 136 200m2
900mm Dia RCRRJ concrete stormwater pipes and associated manhole with connections
Onsite traffic management