CLIENT: ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd
VALUE: $10.7 million
DURATION: May 2018 – May 2019

ADCO Constructions awarded Shamrock Civil the contract to complete the bulk earthworks, civil drainage and carpark pavements for the Costco Ipswich development at Bundamba.
Scope of works
- Earthworks including 30,000m3 Cut to Dispose, 31,000m3 Import to Fill, 8,000m3 Cut to Fill, 1250m3 of Detailed Excavation
- The 8000m3 onsite cut to fill was completed in 5 days
- The 30,000m3 cut to fill to adjacent site was undertaken over a two week period with an average of 2500m3 per day
- The Import and placement of 31,000m3 of select fill commenced in the second week of the cut to fill and took approx. 3 weeks to complete, importing 1800m3 per day in truck and dogs
- 2.5km of Stormwater drainage – pipes sizes varying from 225mm diameter to 1350mm diameter, other items included box culvert and acco drain installation
- 80 no. Stormwater structures constructed
- New watermain and gravity sewer to Wood St
- Watermain Realignment to Ashburn Rd
- 35,000m2 of Carpark/Road pavements
- Construction of Wood St (new road)
- Widening of Ashburn Rd
- 125 no. CFA Piles, retaining wall footings and backfill
In conjunction with our concreting subcontractor, Shamrock Civil created a formwork design that enabled faster stripping and forming of the planter diamonds which reduced time and cost. Shamrock Civil developed a revised planter design in conjunction with ADCO Constructions to eliminate the requirement of the strata vault system which resulted in cost savings to our client.