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Upstream Project Fairview


Condamine QLD


Origin Energy

Duration of Project

December 2008 – December 2009

Contract Value

$13.3 Million

The Evaporation Pond B forms part of the Talinga Development Coal Seam Gas (CSG) project and is located on the Rockwell property approximately 40km southwest of Chinchilla. The evaporation ponds are required for storing and evaporating the saline water produced as a by-product of the gas extraction process and is fed by both the water treatment facility and directly from the wellhead gathering network.

Scope of Work

  • Site clearing and grubbing 632,000m2
  • Stripping and stockpiling 126,000m3 of topsoil
  • Excavation of 480,000m3 to fill requiring separation, blending, mixing,placement and conditioning for compaction
  • General excavation and haul to stockpile
  • Trim 450,000m2 pond base in preparation of installation of HDPE liner
  • Supply and install 465,000m2 of geotextile and 2mm HDPE liner
  • Gypsum treatment of batters followed by topsoiling and hydromulching
  • Inlet structures and spillway constructions
  • Pavement to top of bunds
  • Construction of 8,000m2 camp carpark and access road

Project Complications & Achievements

Earthworks performed to high standard of quality with tight control on moisture content and compaction standard. All works were controlled and monitored through Shamrock Civils’ quality system and onsite GPS survey system.