CLIENT: ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd
VALUE: $1.6 million
DURATION: October 2018 – December 2018

Shamrock Civil Engineering were contracted by ADCO Constructions to provide assistance in completion of minor civil works onsite at the Birtinya Town Centre. After being onsite for only one week, the client was impressed with the capability and performance of Shamrock Civil and therefore awarded additional works to Shamrock Civil for the construction of the Eastern Carpark No 2. The additional scope of works included complete construction of carpark including earthworks, bioretention basins, stormwater drainage, kerbing and pavements with asphalt surfacing.
Scope of works
- Earthworks included excavation of approximately 1500m3 of soft unsupportive marine mud and clays and installation of geogrid fabric and bridging pavement layers
- Approx. 100m of Reinforced Concrete Stormwater Drainage Pipework 300mm to 450mm dia including multiple stormwater manholes, field inlet pits and road gully pits
- 4200m2 of Asphalt Surfacing and underlying roadbase pavement layers
Ongoing interaction and coordination with multiple trades all working to a tight deadline was paramount to the successful delivery of this project. The client was very impressed with the effort and timely completion of the works by Shamrock Civil. The timely completion of works by Shamrock Civil was fundamental to the overall project achieving practical completion.