CLIENT: NACPP VALUE: $1 million DURATION: October 2017 – February 2018

The LAND 155 WP2 Project involves the construction of new shelters and hardstand at Holsworthy Barracks and Camp Sapper Liverpool in NSW and Wallangarra Barracks and Lavarack Barracks in QLD. NACPP awarded Shamrock Civil Engineering the civil works package at Lavarack Barracks in Townsville. National Aboriginal Construction Partners Projects (NACPP) is a majority indigenous-owned joint venture made up of two entities, National Aboriginal Construction Partners and BADGE Constructions (Qld) Pty Ltd.
Scope of works
- Earthworks including import fill and subgrade trim
- Placement of heavily bound subbase with 7mm seal
- Compaction of gravel unbound pavements
- Excavation and pouring of structural footings and slab under building
- New stormwater services connecting into the existing stormwater network including pipes, inlets, pits and kerb
- Construction of 2m concrete dish drain including subsoil drains, unbound pavements and concrete slab
- Extension of the existing security fencing to provide a secure compound including 3m high chainwire fence, gates and guardrail