CLIENT: Pacific Complete
VALUE: $4 million
DURATION: Jul 2017 – Apr 2018

The Pacific Highway Upgrade, Woolgoolga to Ballina Project involves the duplication of approximately 155 kilometres of highway in northern NSW. The Portion B Access Tracks Package, consisted primarily of the construction of a permanent foundation layer beneath the alignment of 2km of new highway and construction of temporary access tracks on Chatsworth Island NSW.
Scope of works
- Foundation treatment layer under 2km of new highway, consisting of a 500mm-800mm thick layer of rock placed over geofabric and grid, excavation and treatment of Potentially Acid Sulphate Soils (PASS)
- Design and Construction of 870m of temporary access tracks between bridge abutments to provide access for bridge piling crews. Typically 800mm thick rock, 8m wide and set into the ground 600mm to satisfy flood management requirements and accommodate 180T piling crane
- Preload and abutment works, involving placement and removal of preload material over abutment / culvert locations, ongoing monitoring of settlement and detailed excavation in preparation for permanent abutment construction
- Permanent longitudinal drain construction adjacent to the highway alignment as well as cane drain diversions
- Temporary culvert crossings as part of access track construction
Shamrock Civil Engineering negotiated with the designer and client, to achieve the most cost efficient design for extreme soft spot treatment on access tracks. The Project Team was highly commended for excellent environmental controls and a formal award was presented to our Safety Advisor for his commitment to safety on the project.